2nd hit Luc C & Ronald P, Cheney Hit
2nd plane impact
2nd plane impact
BUSANA MUTATANA, WTC BURN VICTIM: . . .so I fell down after 10 feet off of the building on... read more
Stephen Evans, explosions, BBC 15:41, 9/11 read more
UPDATE: Ron's account has been terminated, so this video response can't call for Ron to delete his disinfo video... read more
4 choppers, 3 photographers and 1 camcorder. Here some new photos come from a book to the Internet for... read more
2nd plane impact LIVE - original is here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/911conspiracytv/2nd-hit_WNYW_EricSalter-HQ_fox11dv2.mov read more
Many heroes emerged from the darkness of the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. One of them was Luis Alvarez,... read more
Peter Jennings, like a volcano, ABC, 12:29, 9/11 read more
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