2nd hit Spiegel TV w/ audio ZdUuYYiMQlM
2nd plane impact
2nd plane impact
As of 2011, about 20,000 body parts have been found in the debris... 342 of 343 firefighters have been... read more
1. NBC Static Cam (also used by FOX5 WTTG) 0:10 2. ABC NewsCopter7 1:13 3. CNN Roof Cam 2:27 4. NY1 Empire... read more
NBC Poll and Airforce One is next, NBC, 10:01, 9/13 read more
"An intimate look at a 9/11 hijacker" nn_popkin_tapes_081122.flv read more
The first fire chief on the scene during the 9/11 terror attack remembers the fallen heroes, including his brother.... read more
from the DVD WTC 9-11-01 Day Of Disaster. Available from amazon.com read more
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