2nd Plane Hitting Is TOO VIOLENT, says YouTube
YT is removing multiple copies of the footage by Michael Hezarknani/CNN, with a 7-day appeal time window. What would you say to YT?
YT is removing multiple copies of the footage by Michael Hezarknani/CNN, with a 7-day appeal time window. What would you say to YT?
Pentagon witness Mark Eastman, CBS 10:43, 9/11 Saw a large plane read more
James Woolsey, fingering Iraq, ABC, 00:19, 9/12 read more
Advocaat van de duivel, Dutch television, AVRO, april 8, 2009, part 4/4 read more
Local coverage from the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. read more
rare footage, witness accounts on WPIX .. from VHS .. a third plane? -- a gray plane, it... read more
September 11, 2001 TV broadcast from the Atlanta, GA network with New York offices in 5 Penn Plaza. read more
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