9/11: WTC7 Conspiracy Remix, Pt. 5/10
Some thought WTC7 may be “taken down.” But that’s impossible, unless you knew where to set the fires.
A witness testifies to no explosion sounds, only a jet engine noise.
Some thought WTC7 may be “taken down.” But that’s impossible, unless you knew where to set the fires.
A witness testifies to no explosion sounds, only a jet engine noise.
Christoph Hoffmann, a professor of computer science and director of Purdue's Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, a division of... read more
Jonathan Barnett on how steel frame buildings behave in fires. read more
Live NY1 TV broadcast cropped/zoomed. Plane enters the frame as the video begins. Flying about 590 MPH, impact was... read more
video feed lost at the station, but news ticker banner not. read more
Christoph Hoffmann, a professor of computer science and director of Purdue's Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, a division of... read more
Jonathan Barnett on how steel frame buildings behave in fires. read more
Live NY1 TV broadcast cropped/zoomed. Plane enters the frame as the video begins. Flying about 590 MPH, impact was... read more
video feed lost at the station, but news ticker banner not. read more
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