Rita Cosby, hijackers, Fox, 21:38, 9/12
Rita Cosby, hijackers, Fox, 21:38, 9/12
Rita Cosby, hijackers, Fox, 21:38, 9/12
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Raw video from the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. More coverage: https://7ny.tv/2wKnbWj read more
"Don't they have radar?" -- good question near the Pentagon on 9/11... read more
Says Dulles Air Traffic Controller in a October 2001 report read more
I added the DJ Trump for President 2000 clip at 4:13 read more
We might be seeing the large fuselage piece found on the roof of WTC 5. Inspired by a 911AnalysisVideo... read more
2002 Interview excerpts on the 9/11 WTC "collapses" - Please see article "Glass a 'Rare Find' at Ground Zero"... read more
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