Bill Cooper predicted 911 (it cost him his life)
This is a short yet important video presenting Bill Cooper's 9/11 prediction, rare 9/11 footage and audio from his... read more
Richard Gage Live on TV3 – The Masterplan Event Gage, a member of the American Institute of architects, has been an (more…) read more
9/11/2011 – Ten Years, No Justice Please share this video far and wide. Comment, hit the like button, and please (more…) read more
9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory
Comments are suspended until Google+ gets its act together.PLEASE SEE THE BEST COMMENT EVER, BELOW.Although it (more…) read more
9/11: Sound Evidence for WTC 7 Explosions and NIST Cover Up
New analysis by David Chandler on the sound evidence of WTC7 explosions. There is ample evidence, from both witnesses... read more
AE911Truth Experts Speak Out
PURCHASE this DVD: -- 9/11 TRUTH is the ultimate Anti-War message -- Support the (more…) read more
The Science of September 11
This film includes substantial portions of the Pre-Release version of AE911Truth's documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out.... read more
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
Transcript and sources: you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in (more…) read more