AE911Truth Wash DC Visit – Sen. Jeff Flake (AZ) 9-16-13
A dozen AE911Truth volunteers had a series of visits on 9/16/13 to our Senators. This video is a recap... read more
A dozen AE911Truth volunteers had a series of visits on 9/16/13 to our Senators. This video is a recap... read more
Questa non è la "Parte 2" che avevo originariamente previsto. Per quello ci sarà da aspettare la parte 3.... read more
Questa terza parte approfondisce le implicazioni dell'ammissione da parte del NIST che il WCT 7 entrò effettivamente in caduta... read more
A dozen AE911Truth volunteers had a series of visits on 9/16/13 to our Senators. This video is a recap... read more
ReThink911 is a global ad campaign to raise public awareness of the freefall collapse of World Trade Center Building... read more
Este é um estudo da aceleração global descendente do WTC1, a Torre Norte do World Trade Center. Durante esta... read more
It gave me goose bumbsjjman2cool 4 months ago nobody using common sense and critical thinking skills can say that... read more
Help get this new ad on the air, donate at --- RememberBuilding7 is a non-partisan effort (more…) read more