9/11/2001 – Smoking engine from the 2nd plane
High Pressure Turbine smoking nearby the combustion section of a Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7R4D resting on the sidewalk, after... read more
High Pressure Turbine smoking nearby the combustion section of a Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7R4D resting on the sidewalk, after... read more
Brilliant video by Achimspok with only 1313 views since 2009! He's German, so please forgive any bad English. See... read more
THEY evacuated the Emergency Management bunker before the towers collapsed, then let the building burn as cover for the... read more
Kai, who some no planers think was tasked with inserting a fake plane live so all other plane evidence... read more
NBC 9/14 at 4:21 am. A Boston Globe reporter notes how we are "led to believe" these fundamentalist Muslims... read more
Trump: "Should have let us know." (Never mind the coronavirus Event 201 pandemic exercise last year.) From rel="nofollow">https://www.globalresearch.ca/secretary-state-mike-pompeo-admits-covid-19-live-exercise-president-trump-comments-i-wish-you-would-have-told-us/5707223 read more
Elevator car "blown" out of its shaft. Inside inspection by the OEM reports. Also FDNY says it consulted an... read more
Short clip, another version of 63rd airplane video. Full interview with 1st plane witness and discovery of video here:... read more
Case of the eroded steel. No WTC 1 or 2 steel photos of this effect to my knowledge. read more
Good aerial shots. Video 4 is blocked in the Flight 93 playlist I linked in my video upload yesterday,... read more