Dan Abrams, WTC7 collapse warning, NBC, 16:54, 9/11
Dan Abrams, WTC7 collapse warning, NBC, 16:54, 9/11
Dan Abrams, WTC7 collapse warning, NBC, 16:54, 9/11
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
First clip aired on PBS NOVA in the U.S. titled "Why the Towers Fell" (2002), regular and zoom. Second... read more
At the beginning are 3 new clips released 5 months ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIp7z5VraG4 :: The audio (more…) read more
Aaron Brown, like implosion, CNN, 10:53, 9/11 read more
PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 1. I no longer have these videos saved for personal download, sorry. 2. I have... read more
No conspiracy theories. Finally the facts. When the planes hit the towers, explosions were visible due to commonly carried... read more
window blown out. WTC witness Robert Knowles,54th floor WTC, NBC, 9/11, 13:17 read more
"Collapse" of World Trade Center Building 7 aired twice read more
First clip aired on PBS NOVA in the U.S. titled "Why the Towers Fell" (2002), regular and zoom. Second... read more
At the beginning are 3 new clips released 5 months ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIp7z5VraG4 :: The audio (more…) read more
Aaron Brown, like implosion, CNN, 10:53, 9/11 read more
PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 1. I no longer have these videos saved for personal download, sorry. 2. I have... read more
No conspiracy theories. Finally the facts. When the planes hit the towers, explosions were visible due to commonly carried... read more
window blown out. WTC witness Robert Knowles,54th floor WTC, NBC, 9/11, 13:17 read more
"Collapse" of World Trade Center Building 7 aired twice read more
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