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On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
In response to people who say the flash occurred before the plane impact. Sharpened after HD upscale, from DVD... read more
South Tower Collapse Slo mo CNN 09/12, 04:54 read more
Pierre Thomas, 4 men ran from JFK, ABC, 22:06, 9/13 read more
CNN and BBC predicted the collapse in their news coverage... explained. Dylan Avery of Loose Change says it isn't... read more
Pentagon witness, Janet(?), ABC 9/11, 09:51 read more
Blueprint for Truth 10 min - Nederlands ondertiteld read more
Gamma Press 2nd plane impact at 1:50 -- flying object (BIRD) visible ... also 2nd hit (explosion only) shot... read more
In response to people who say the flash occurred before the plane impact. Sharpened after HD upscale, from DVD... read more
South Tower Collapse Slo mo CNN 09/12, 04:54 read more
Pierre Thomas, 4 men ran from JFK, ABC, 22:06, 9/13 read more
CNN and BBC predicted the collapse in their news coverage... explained. Dylan Avery of Loose Change says it isn't... read more
Pentagon witness, Janet(?), ABC 9/11, 09:51 read more
Blueprint for Truth 10 min - Nederlands ondertiteld read more
Gamma Press 2nd plane impact at 1:50 -- flying object (BIRD) visible ... also 2nd hit (explosion only) shot... read more
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