September 11, 2001 In Remembrance – Diane Bish
To Purchase This Program: Join Diane Bish in this moving tribute to those who died and …
To Purchase This Program: Join Diane Bish in this moving tribute to those who died and …
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
This is a clip from the CameraPlanet 9/11 Archive. For information regarding full resolution clips of this material, or... read more
Minutes after the "collapse," this New York station showed a unique view of the destruction caught on tape. read more
Giuliani describes what it was like to live through the ten seconds in which the south tower caved in... read more
While "there is no credible threat" associated with the 9/11 20 year commemoration, Deputy Police Commissioner John Miller said... read more
Brilliant video by Achimspok with only 1313 views since 2009! He's German, so please forgive any bad English. See... read more
Pentagon witness, Janet(?), ABC 9/11, 09:51 read more
The news investigates.... Not mentioning the war games happening during the attacks, which certainly hindered the response, despite what... read more
Newly discovered explosions in background of TV camera audio. Clips come from "The 9/11 Magic Bullet" my full length... read more
Aircraft at 2:16 -- now 59 videos show the plane... read more
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