William Rodriguez on EenVandaag, Dutch TV, 9/11/2007
9/11 Hero William Rodriguez on EenVandaag, Dutch TV, 9/11/2007
9/11 Hero William Rodriguez on EenVandaag, Dutch TV, 9/11/2007
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
WTC7, dust cloud (longest), Fox, 00:44, 9/13 read more
Kemberly Richardson is live in Lower Manhattan where many continue to pay their respects at the 9/11 Memorial Site. <a... read more
(at 6:02) - plane impact - explosion only ... source: FYUgdkTJtDg read more
Jet enters at 0:42 .. Helicopters galore. Camera 6.23 miles away in Queens. Source, NIST FOIA release 14 uncompressed,... read more
WTC7 collapse compared with NIST's best estimate impact damage model read more
September 11th 2001 Jim Huibregtse clip_19A read more
WTC7, dust cloud (longest), Fox, 00:44, 9/13 read more
Kemberly Richardson is live in Lower Manhattan where many continue to pay their respects at the 9/11 Memorial Site. <a... read more
(at 6:02) - plane impact - explosion only ... source: FYUgdkTJtDg read more
Jet enters at 0:42 .. Helicopters galore. Camera 6.23 miles away in Queens. Source, NIST FOIA release 14 uncompressed,... read more
WTC7 collapse compared with NIST's best estimate impact damage model read more
September 11th 2001 Jim Huibregtse clip_19A read more
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