W*N*Y*W, Rare 9/11 News – part 1
rare afternoon coverage from VHS tape – 2nd plane hit at vrt 6:15 — rare collapse at 3:10 — watch?v=8Kd497fG_Pg
rare afternoon coverage from VHS tape – 2nd plane hit at vrt 6:15 — rare collapse at 3:10 — watch?v=8Kd497fG_Pg
The War FOR Drugs. http://s1.zetaboards.com/pumpitout/topic/3089172/1/ 9/11 brought heroin and helped economically -- Drug money is cash, no tax, (more…) read more
Events summary from th UK -- watch?v=b3zwS63NM read more
"river of molten steel" at B1 level of debris pile quote at 1:05:00 -- "The World Trade Center from... read more
This week marks 18 years since the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, a... read more
DVD file uncompressed and deinterlaced with 60fps by VirtualDub and made 4K by Sony Vegas read more
Deep dust, soot, and debris from the collapses hides what's in the path of vehicles. read more
Two more members of the FDNY have died of 9/11-related illnesses, bringing the total of FDNY members lost since... read more
This is just one street, imagine how many people were watching in the whole of New York. read more
South Tower "collapse" collection here: http://www.911conspiracy.tv/2_WTC.html read more
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