WTC victim, Jim Gartenberg, core blown out, WABC,09:32, 9/11
WTC victim, Jim Gartenberg, core blown out, WABC,09:32, 9/11
WTC victim, Jim Gartenberg, core blown out, WABC,09:32, 9/11
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
2nd plane impacts from NY Center of the World read more
September 11 news choppers and planes on RADAR, with an introduction to the NYPD helicopters, which will require another... read more
On Wednesday, September 11, New York City FC will host the Club's First Responders Night presented by Your Local... read more
Arthur Wolk, where was the government?, CNN 9/11, 21:47 read more
West Street camera, video used by NIST and rarely with audio read more
Members of the New York Mets paid a visit to a Queens firehouse Tuesday ahead of the 18th anniversary... read more
Oklahoma City bombing beeldmateriaal, Nederlands ondertiteld read more
17 people. Only one panic attack. Star Wars tickets in my pocket. Opening night. Missed the movie. Many thanks... read more
YT is removing multiple copies of the footage by Michael Hezarknani/CNN, with a 7-day appeal time window. What would... read more
2nd plane impacts from NY Center of the World read more
September 11 news choppers and planes on RADAR, with an introduction to the NYPD helicopters, which will require another... read more
On Wednesday, September 11, New York City FC will host the Club's First Responders Night presented by Your Local... read more
Arthur Wolk, where was the government?, CNN 9/11, 21:47 read more
West Street camera, video used by NIST and rarely with audio read more
Members of the New York Mets paid a visit to a Queens firehouse Tuesday ahead of the 18th anniversary... read more
Oklahoma City bombing beeldmateriaal, Nederlands ondertiteld read more
17 people. Only one panic attack. Star Wars tickets in my pocket. Opening night. Missed the movie. Many thanks... read more
YT is removing multiple copies of the footage by Michael Hezarknani/CNN, with a 7-day appeal time window. What would... read more
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