WTC witnesses, firefighters, Naudet
WTC witnesses, firfighters, Naudet
WTC witnesses, firfighters, Naudet
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Rare high quality from NY1 newsreel, volume increased . source 911datasets.orgRelease3042A0349-G30D3VTS_01_2.VOB-to-avi deinterlaced using bob double filter, doubling frame rate,... read more
Many Rutgers students were in elementary school or even preschool during the terrorist attacks in 2001. But many still... read more
Some explosions timed by direction of the sun and shadow. First sequence at 11:29 AM is an estimate, not... read more
2nd plane impact - details at read more
"..surprisingly so little rubble." Why? Sure the towers were only half occupied, but.. Evidence of extreme ruin: read more
Unseen helicopter footage (in extended length) of Manhattan that awful day. Part 1 of 2 -- See NYPD aviation... read more
Rare high quality from NY1 newsreel, volume increased . source 911datasets.orgRelease3042A0349-G30D3VTS_01_2.VOB-to-avi deinterlaced using bob double filter, doubling frame rate,... read more
Many Rutgers students were in elementary school or even preschool during the terrorist attacks in 2001. But many still... read more
Some explosions timed by direction of the sun and shadow. First sequence at 11:29 AM is an estimate, not... read more
2nd plane impact - details at read more
"..surprisingly so little rubble." Why? Sure the towers were only half occupied, but.. Evidence of extreme ruin: read more
Unseen helicopter footage (in extended length) of Manhattan that awful day. Part 1 of 2 -- See NYPD aviation... read more
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