WTC2 collapse
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Part 13 of 13.ALSO SEE: read more
Emma Thornton's route covered floors 77 through 110 of Tower 1. It was the first to be struck that... read more
Debris, steel, dust. Digging for human remains and removing rubble. The so-called cleanup. WTCI-30-NYC_Pt3of6.wmv read more
September 11th 2001 Jim Huibregtse clip_25 read more
"Collapse" of World Trade Center Building 7 aired twice read more
The worst day in American history was also the first day in the lives of Ashley Hyatt and Thomas... read more
Second plane hit, ABC, 9/11, 20:49 Naka Nathaniel read more
Part 13 of 13.ALSO SEE: read more
Emma Thornton's route covered floors 77 through 110 of Tower 1. It was the first to be struck that... read more
Debris, steel, dust. Digging for human remains and removing rubble. The so-called cleanup. WTCI-30-NYC_Pt3of6.wmv read more
September 11th 2001 Jim Huibregtse clip_25 read more
"Collapse" of World Trade Center Building 7 aired twice read more
The worst day in American history was also the first day in the lives of Ashley Hyatt and Thomas... read more
Second plane hit, ABC, 9/11, 20:49 Naka Nathaniel read more
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