WTC7 collapse, ABC, 9/11, 17:41
WTC7 collapse, ABC, 9/11, 17:41
WTC7 collapse, ABC, 9/11, 17:41
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
The families of the World Trade Center victims returned to Lower Manhattan for the remembrance ceremony to read the... read more
His point 3 destroyed. Simon needs to delete "911 AMATEUR Part 2" but he won't because it's an embarrassment... read more
Students at Westbury High School are now learning about the history of 9/11 in their history classes. CeFaan Kim... read more
Tom Brokaw, up to 7 people detaine, NBC, 20:00, 9/13 read more
Anonymous high quality video regular speed and 8fps - should say 5:20 pm read more
WTC North Tower collapse at 27:53 -- Video source comes from here: read more
Witnesses and images show the second plane was, in fact, United Airlines. read more
Kai, who some no planers think was tasked with inserting a fake plane live so all other plane evidence... read more
I was finally able to convert this file so that YouTube displays it properly. From the WTC7 NIST webcast.... read more
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