WTCwitness, Karen Furman, hell o/a explosion, BBC,10:55,9/11
WTC witness, Karen Furman, one hell of an explosion, BBC,10:55,9/11
WTC witness, Karen Furman, one hell of an explosion, BBC,10:55,9/11
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Microsoft WTC attack at 1:10 ... 6 hours at a simulator in Miami. Bread crumbs for FBI. Clip from... read more
'ABC News' Special Report: Tuesday 11 September 2001 JENNINGS: ...Want to check in very quickly with the president of the United... read more
Shanksville, 2nd debris field, CNN, 9/13, 11:50 read more
Geheimsache World Trade Center... In der ZDF Nachrichtensendung vom 11 März 2002 berichtete das "Heute Journal" über die Datenaufbereitung von... read more
Brilliant video by Achimspok with only 1313 views since 2009! He's German, so please forgive any bad English. See... read more
South Tower collection at read more
1. NBC Static Cam (also used by FOX5 WTTG) 0:10 2. ABC NewsCopter7 1:13 3. CNN Roof Cam 2:27 4. NY1 Empire... read more
William Rodriguez interview, CNN, 13:33, 9/11 read more
Microsoft WTC attack at 1:10 ... 6 hours at a simulator in Miami. Bread crumbs for FBI. Clip from... read more
'ABC News' Special Report: Tuesday 11 September 2001 JENNINGS: ...Want to check in very quickly with the president of the United... read more
Shanksville, 2nd debris field, CNN, 9/13, 11:50 read more
Geheimsache World Trade Center... In der ZDF Nachrichtensendung vom 11 März 2002 berichtete das "Heute Journal" über die Datenaufbereitung von... read more
Brilliant video by Achimspok with only 1313 views since 2009! He's German, so please forgive any bad English. See... read more
South Tower collection at read more
1. NBC Static Cam (also used by FOX5 WTTG) 0:10 2. ABC NewsCopter7 1:13 3. CNN Roof Cam 2:27 4. NY1 Empire... read more
William Rodriguez interview, CNN, 13:33, 9/11 read more
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